Monday, June 29, 2015

Mussar: Student Teaching (Avos 2:10)

Rav Binyamin Hutt

Your doctor’s office most probably displays a collection of degrees, awards, and certificates, but they do not impress me.  There are likely shelves lined with textbooks so heavy they could break the office scale, but they do not impress me.  However the cluttered bulletin board on the wall with handwritten notes, vying for visibility, is far more striking.  A few brief words lauding the doctor as a mentor and colleague are incredibly more telling about the person beneath the white coat.  Do you have a ‘bulletin board’?  What have others attributed you as having taught them?  Even if you do not train the next generation of aspiring professionals, or stand at the front of a lecture hall, you will have students learning from you.  They might be found in classrooms or boardrooms, at home or in the office.  So ask yourself, “What has someone learned from me today?”

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