Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Mussar: iThink - I'm Easily Impressed (Avos 2:14)

Rav Binyamin Hutt

As original and creative as we hold ourselves to be, consciously or subconsciously, we tend to mimic the people that surround us.  Take the entire industry of advertising as proof of this human phenomenon.  Effectively creating an image that people 'like you' use this product, is worth millions.  Our impressionability is a fact of life that has the ability to refine and improve our lives, or bring about great damage.  So why then do we allow ourselves to be exposed to people of skewed priorities, vulgar vocabulary, or immoral conduct?  Would we be willing to go out for coffee with a Swine Flu carrier because of his charming sense of humor or her fascinating past?  If we can acknowledge and relate to our physical vulnerability, then we are equally capable of protecting our behavioral and moral health as well.  Don't get the wrong impression.  

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